

Casares is approximately one hour away from Diriamba. This is a rocky beach inhabited mostly by fishermen, where you can find private properties.

On the coast you can see interesting entries in the tide on the rocks, resulting in spectacular images.

For some, the waves are suitable for surfing. Traditional fishing, surfing, boat rides with fishermen There are several private homes, places to eat, but very few places to spend the night. The restaurants are also scarce.

Getting There:

If you go by car, you must get to Diriamba first. Once you are there, take the road to the beach. When reaching a crossroad (rotunda), turn left.

If you go by public transportation, you should also get to Diriamba, and then take a bus to these beaches. The bus station is in the municipal market or hire taxis and motorcycle taxis in the city.


The municipality of Tola is located on a territory with many hills, in Northeast Rivas. The small beaches of Pie de Gigante, Las Salinas and El Astillero, where visitors will find luxurious hotels and community shelters, are part of this municipality. The villagers work in agriculture, livestock and fishing.

Getting There:

There is a detour on the Pan American Highway, three kilometers before reaching the city of Rivas (coming from Managua), that will take you to this municipality.

San Juan del Sur:

This beach, which has an almost perfect "U" shape, is surrounded by mountains. Here, visitors can find one of the most famous beach towns of the country: San Juan del Sur. The sand of this beach is not white as the one we can find in the Caribbean, but it clearer than in the Pacific.

Boat rides to visit neighboring beaches, sports fishing, diving, marine photography, wale watch, canopy tours and a hectic nightlife is found in this destination. Swimming is possible thanks to the tranquil waters, but is worth mentioning that there are a lot of boats on the bay.

The town of San Juan del Sur is located on the shoreline. The municipality has been working to improve the tourist infrastructure, making it one of the most complete destinations of the country. Visitors can enjoy a great variety of seafood while being in a restaurant next to the sea, and the warmth of the various hotels of the area.

In addition, San Juan del Sur has the facilities of a typical small town: shops, postal office, Internet, health centers, language schools, police stations, workshops, among others.

Getting There:

If you are traveling in your own vehicle, you must take the road that leads to Rivas. After passing the city, you must continue until reaching the crossroad "La Virgen" (on the highway that takes you to the border with Costa Rica). From there, turn right and follow the 18 Kms that separates this point and San Juan del Sur.

If you are using public transportation, take a bus to the city of Rivas. Once you get to the municipal market, take another bus that will leave you in San Juan after about 45 minutes. In Managua you can find direct buses to San Juan del Sur in Roberto Huembes Market terminal.

During Holly Week, it is common to find people asking for financial aid at the entrance of the town when traveling in private transportation. This does not happen for buses.

La Boquita:

This beach has rocky areas on which you can sunbathe, and open areas perfect for swimming. It is one of the most visited ones of Carazo, thanks to its well-known tourist center.

Horseback riding, surfing, boating through the mangroves.

It has its own tourist center equipped with several restaurants, hotels and bars, although in general are more limited. The complex is developed and managed by the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism.

Getting There:

La Boquita is reachable from the city of Diriamba, taking the road to the beaches (there are signs). Follow this good road to a rotunda, from which you must take the right (north) and continue for a few minutes to the entrance of the touristic center, which happens to be the end of the road.

From Diriamba, you can take buses on the market, or hire taxis and motorcycle taxis in the city.

Las Peñitas:

Las Peñitas is a fishermen beach, lcoated very close to Poneloya. It has an estuary that connects it to the Juan Venado Island, a wildlife sanctuary that was declared a natural reserve due to its ecological diversity.

The place has various hotels and restaurants for every budget. The town also has bars and small shops where tourists can buy basic supplies. There are a great number of private houses along the coast.

The fishermen offer boat tours to neighboring destinations, mainly to the Juan Venado Island.

Tours to the Juan Venado Island, horseback riding, kayak trips, fishing.

Getting There:

Private transportation

From the city of León, you have to take the highway to these beaches. There are signs indicating where to turn. Once you are at the beach, you will see a police station, turn left and follow the road until reaching Las Peñitas.


This beach has dark sand and rocky flat areas, and offers a space with privacy for sun and beach tourism.

Horseback riding, surfing.

There are not many hotels, because most of the land belongs to summer homes of families of Carazo. Some of these houses are rented. This is the case of Rocas de Gaia. There are only two bars restaurants.

Getting There:

To get here by private transportation, you should first go to Diriamba. From there, take the road towards the beaches of Casares and Boquita. At the junction facing the sea, turn left to Casares. Once there, you must continue 5 Km to get to Huehuete.


The wide beach of Pochomil is one of the most developed beaches of the Pacific zone of Nicaragua, which means that the visitor will find restaurants, tourist infrastructure and various activities for entertainment. Despite of this, the beach is not always packed.

Wherever you go, you will find kids and women walking by with small items, made of shells, for sale which prices are very affordable. In addition to those vendors, tourist will also likely to see some man on horses who offer horseback rides.

Walking on the beach when the sun disappears slowly into the ocean is great to do as well. The price for horseback ridings is low – about US$2 per half an hour – but should be agreed upon from the beginning.

Getting There:

The distance from Managua is 65 kilometer, and it takes a little over an hour to get there. You should leave Managua by the South Highway (Carretera Sur). Continue going straight until there are signs that point to Pochomil.

When you get there, you will first see the coast at Masachapa, where you have to take a left right before entering the town. After going down the road for maybe five more minutes, you will see the entrance to Pochomil on your right. The restaurants are all grouped together and you will have to pay a small entrance price to get in.

There are also buses that leave from Managua to Pochomil.


In this beach you can see stunning sunsets for its size and plain terrain. Its beauty inspired the Nicaragua composer Rafael Gaston Perez, for the letter of the very famous song "Cuando calienta el sol", wich now is attributed to a Mexican.

It also counts with pond located in one of its corners, and has many rock formations, therefore the visitor must walk very carefully when the tide rises, as water covers the rocks and are no longer observed.

It is a fishermen's village. In the beach the visitor can observe the longboats full of fish and seafood, where it is possible to buy at a low price. When the fishermen come to ground, they begin calling the visitors so they could buy the products of the sea.

Horseback riding, beach sports. During Holy Week, you can find music and celebration everywhere.

There are hotels, bars and restaurants with different budgets and categories.

Getting There:

It is only an hour from Managua city. You have two ways to go in private car. One is taking the Carretera Vieja a León and turn to the beaches (left) in the road junction (there is a huge sign Montelimar). Continue on this road until you reach a top, then turn right and continue for a few minutes up to a junction near the beach, where there are signs.

The other way is through the Carretera Sur: after El Crucero town you will find a road junction (where is a big monument), here turn right heading to San Rafael del Sur. Continue this road until the junction near the beach (with signs) we already mentioned above.

You can take public buses to Pochomil and Masachapa in the Israel Lewites Market terminal. They come out every day and at different times.


Poneloya is a small fishing town with just one streets that runs parallel to the ocean and a center with summer houses. The beach has dark sand and a lot of palm trees that give you the idea of a tropical destination.

It is known by Nicaraguans as a beach of strong currents and waves. During Holy Week, Christmas, New Years, and the celebration of La Purísima, Poneloya has an active nightlife with lots of young people.

It has an estuary that becomes very dangerous when the tide rises, but when the tide is low, no problem exists for the swimmers. It is possible to reach the estuary by foot and it is located at the end of the long street, neart to all the bars and restaurants.

Tourists will find a variety of seafood restaurants. There are few hotels.Horseback riding, tours to the Juan Venado Island, fishing, handicraft shop at the beach

Getting There:

Private transportation

From the city of León, you have to take the highway to these beaches. There are signs indicating where to turn. Once you are at the beach, you will see a police station, turn righ and follow the road until reaching Poneloya.

You can find buses to Poneloya in the Sutiava market, or take a taxi in the city.