Number of emergencies nationwide in Nicaragua.

If you need help, locate a location or you want to know a specific point and do not know who to call here are some of the most important numbers you should know.

  1. 118/126 - Police.
  2. 128 = Red Cross - Emergencies Ambulances.
  3. 115/120 - Firefighters.
  4. * 911 - For Cell Phones.
  5. 113 = INFORMATION.
  6. 121 = ENITEL.
  7. 125 = Electric Power.
  8. 127 = ENACAL.
  9. Airport - 2233 1539.
  10. Institute of Legal Medicine - Central - 2268-6149.
  11. Roberto Huembes Market - 2270-4443.
  12. Ivan Montenegro Market - 2280-0016
  13. Centro Civico - 2254-4566
  14. Sandino City - 2269-9654
  15. North Road - 2249-2218
  16. worthy- Emergencias - 120
  17. worthy- Offices - 2228-1079, 2228-1080
  18. Consumer Defense - 2267- 4551 ext. 1293
  19. Police in Nicaragua
  20. 118 = Emergencies - Command Post - 118
  21. 126 = In case of gangs Zone 5 - 126